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Lightwave and Blender resources

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Some of my favorite lscripts and plugins that worth a dedicated button for each of them (even a shortkey):

 Isolate-like: toggle that hide/unhide unselected items. Nice for see only your selected items in visor and VPR: ef itemfocus by Evenflow Demonstration video

Invert selection (and others) by Simon Coombs. I don't know why this tool is not native in LW.

Exclude-include lights: Akira Asagi

(Only for 32bit but you always can use them and use the result in 64bits version)
 Paint Weightmaps in Layout
Edit the mesh in Layout
Sketch mesh over the background model
by "Magic" 


Algunos de mis plugns y scrpts favoritos. Merecen un botón e incluso un atajo de teclado.

 Isolate-like: oculta/muestra los objetos no seleccionados. Útil para ver en el visor y en VPR solo lo seleccionado con pulsar una tecla si se la adjudicáis ef itemfocus por Evenflow Demonstration video

Invert selection (y otros) por Simon Coombs. No sé cómo es que no la hay nativa en LW
Exclude-include lights: Akira Asagi

(Sólo para 32bits aunque el resultado se puede recoger en la versión de 64 y continuar :)  )
 Paint Weightmaps in Layout
Edit the mesh in Layout
Sketch mesh over the background model
por "El Mago" 

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